Tuesday, March 2, 2010


There is a certain calmness one can observe, when looking at the sea. On the shore, they seem noisy with their waves scripting their poetries on the surface of sandy outlines. But, with their perseverance they can convert a rocky outline to a sandy one, just that one needs patience to do so. A little above, looking deep into the twilight, one does see the happenings of the past. Past here, certainly does not mean getting into the pensive mood, but, it means the actual past that we all tend to forget.
Take the sun for an example. On any normal day, be it abnormal too; when we look at the sun, what we see is an eight minute old sun. As science says, it takes eight minutes for the light from the sun to reach earth. So, technically, we are looking at the sun, that was there eight minutes ago. So, this must be true with all the beautiful stars that we see. Even the gorgeous moon is a couple of seconds old. This, when analogized with human's basic life, it is always we, who are looking into what was there, rather than what is there. We tend to forget what is obvious and see what we convince ourselves to be seeing.

Every time, we want to achieve something, we try. When we succeed we are happy and contended. But, when we fail, we look into the past. Do, a RCFA (Root Cause Failure Analysis) and accept the defeat. Seldom have we tried again, because we are happy with the reasons, rather than working on them.

Why do not we ever do something called as RCSA (Root Cause Success Analysis)? Majorly because, when we are successful, we boast our interest and our will in the achievement. But, seldom have we understood that we are looking into the past. Looking back at the time, "when we had looked ourselves into the future, 'how happy we would be when we would achieve this feat. This is all what we wanted and we achieved it.'" It all began then. The moment once thought to be, happened. Aren't we looking into the past-reality?

Our success solely depends upon how strong we feel about achieving this feat. This is the thin line I am talking about - between success and failure. Lots of times you would have heard that if you really need a thing to happen, so desperately, the whole universe will conspire for you. This is the recursive proof for that statement, which became popular from "The Alchemist".

When you fail at anything, try once again looking into the future, "how happy you would be", then try for it once again. But, never give up, because we are born to win. That is because, knowingly or unknowingly, we all look into the past. That is the way, this universe works. When the mighty universe works that way, so would you - a miniscule part of it.

Looking into the twilight, this was what I realised "Aaromale" (O Beloved), because the waves never stop, at least for another five billion years.....


the internal insanity. said...

This has GOT TO be my favourite of all that you've written.
It's so much from the heart, and more so because the man I worship has inspired you to write this. (aaromale is intensely lovely.)

We are all born to win-and all of us do in our own small part. We should also learnt hat it's okay to make mistakes and move ahead.
Actually the Universe doesn't conspire in getting what you want truly. It is YOU. We are solely responsible for what we achieve simply because we believe in ourselves.
As long as that belief is there we will continue to celebrate life.

Anonymous said...

nicely written machi. thou i expected more of ARR from d title :(

Senthil Velavan said...

Gud long inspiring rhetoric !!

Unknown said...

Beautifully written.
Makes you want to actually stop for a min to try and get into the trance and visualise what you have tried to get across.
Makes you want to analyse the different way of our perception and go back to all the indifferent ways we reacted to failures and successes.
And i dont think any title would have suited this post more better than "Aaromale".

Madhan said...

Y "aaromale"?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.