The other day I was sitting at the Marina beach, reminiscing old times leading to the thought that could improve us, the people and us, the nation. I have been a frequent visitor to this 13 km stretch on the shores of the Chennai city, which is adorned with many historical statues. When I used to visit the beach with my family during my childhood, it used to be a 45 min ride on a bus. The Chepauk cricket stadium road perpendicularly leads to the beach road. From there, sitting inside the bus I could see the blue waves scripting their poems on the sands. Every time I see it, a euphoria moment would rise in me as if it was my first time. A good feel that just got wonderful.
The walk on the sandy beach used to be a long one to reach the waters. To reach the waves splashing on us, thereby our legs getting buried under the sand. Let alone the English language, no other language can express that inexplicable feel, except for the fact that it only can be experienced. The beach used to be dirty then, with no rules and regulations. None cared for the ecosystem and thought that this is going to here forever. While returning back with frown faces of not leaving the waters, I used to have the beach-famous bhajjis made from a variety of dal powder and raw bananas, fried in oil. It used to be an enjoyable experience without a question in mind that life is fun to live. I used to wish why my home was 10 km away from the beach, but consoling myself later that to experience the euphoria, the given set of conditions were a blessing.
After 6 years being away from the city and the beach, I find the same euphoria hitting me when I drive on my bike and reach the aperture of the blue view. How something that I have experienced close to a thousand times, can raise the same feel every time, which is inexplicable indeed. Now, the walk is not a long one to reach the waters. Global warming had its share of foul play. The beach is a lot cleaner and more improvement programs are carried out to maintain it properly. People’s perspective of ecosystem has changed and they do not want to litter. The bhajjis are more costly, but a lot tastier. 10 km seems nothing when I heard huge exclamations from my friends in North India of how privileged I am. The only constant that has not been disturbed by the natural calamities or the cost of living or the spurge in economy or the topography is that inexplicable feel of your feet getting immersed in the sand when the waves splash which is for eternity, let alone the mortal beings.
the lucky you, the privileged :)
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