Saturday, November 6, 2010

O-balm-ah -> The panacea

Shahrukh Khan could have waited for 10 months to proclaim that he is not a terrorist. Barack Obama is in town and he is going to reside in the pristine Taj Mahal hotel in Bombay. Do Kasab and his forefathers have the balls now to target the targeted? May be they won’t, after all he is Barack Husein Obama and he also is not a terrorist (atleast presume him not to be). But, the whole confusion is what takes the centre-stage in the agenda of the meetings; be it economic ties (selling Nuclear technology to India), strategic ties (tell to China that India is better than them), military ties (respite to Pakistan-Kashmir issue) or the  Uncommonwealth ties (India’s ties with Iran).

Economic ties: USofA cajoled India to sign the Nuclear deal promising to set-up blah-blah nuclear plants all over the country, but, took away the outsourcing jobs. American companies are  free to set-up the units to produce power and bridge the power shortage that India is facing, but, God forbid, if any accident occurs the companies won’t take responsibility (that’s what the deal says). Planning to repeat a Bhopal tragedy? To protect American jobs, the outsourced Jagan to Jacob and Manish to Mark have to lose their jobs. And India said yes to it and reached a compromise on the economic ties. We were given only the cherry of the big-cake where the full cake was taken by the Americans. Could we expect to divide the cake properly on the so-called economic front?

Strategic and Military ties: You go to China, tell them, “Hu-bro, you gotta poke your nose into Kashmir and facilitate a solution”. Hu must have said, “Barack, my mate, first let us take Arunachal Pradesh from them and then we will talk about Kashmir”. I think Hu Jintao must have misunderstood “facilitate a solution” to “make Kashmir China’s”. And you come to India and tell us, “Man-paaji, you and China are pretty strong here in this region and we are anyhow cutting our ties with Pakistan. So, give Arunachal Pradesh to them and take Kashmir from Pakistan”. Does our netas have the balls to say, “Barack-ji, both Arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir belongs to India”? No, they don’t. They will nod their heads and ask Obama if his plate has to be refilled with Chicken butter masala.
Uncommonwealth ties: What is your problem, if India tags along with Iran for economic exchange? Dude, eventhough India makes the most-fuel-efficient cars and also the cheapest cars, we do need oil. You for the better part of the centuries had and have Iraq under control; you have so much oil that you can mix it with water and still not be bothered about it (Gulf of Mexico). But, we need someone who can sell oil to us behind the counters at Diwali discount. Next month we can ask for Bakrid discount followed by Christmas, New years and Maharasankranthi. We have our plans cut-out, but you wouldn’t allow us to prosper.
Obama dude, Watch “Robot (Enthiran)” Relax over here. Don’t worry about the recent resignations in your office; don’t worry that you didn’t bag Nobel Prize for Peace for the second time (although you have done your best); don’t worry about anything. This is India. Yehan pe sab kuch CHALTHA HAI!!! (Anything is acceptable)