Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Nation Decides to Know

The village Vasville has existed ever since the Y-chromosomal Adam walked this earth in Africa. If and whether God existed, was unknown. Thus Adam, either being agnostic or having known better, called himself God. He found company elsewhere, mated and multiplied; warred and divided. Today, the thus evolved human beings are the ones ruling and being ruled. The best of the lot were too hot headed to persist and thereby perished in the wars, while the cowards survived. The genes of cowardice survived. The genes of cowardice ruled and they were being ruled.
Radolf Gannon belonged to the fourth generation of the ruling community. His family has been ruling Vasville ever since they gained freedom from their next door neighbor Briville. His family, having been entrusted by the people to rule, have since then ruled. The family changed their internal policies outlook from socialism to capitalism to neoliberalism, but people still remained poor. When it came to religious outlook, the family was confused with too many religions owing to their gene-mixing, although they all came from their common ancestor – Adam. Unaffected by communalo ileitis, the deadly disease that turns man into a wild dog and makes him hunt, at a point in history, the Gannons propagated the condition to avenge a key family member’s death. Yet, they never came out to apologize for the outbreak. Nevertheless, people being people, bestowed the family with the name ‘A perfect secular’.
The common man saw the Gannons grow in number and influence, but his hunger and struggle remained constant. In his fight for basic rights, many a two have died starving. Corruption was at its highest order, yet Radolf couldn’t control it. He didn’t have a say in how the village was being ruled, even though he wanted to rule the village someday. His internal conflicts were no less than a Pandora’s Box. Neither could he live without opening the box because of the curiosity of knowing the evil within, nor could he live with the truth that there is evil inside the box. Radolf was torn within himself.  Even as his family’s rule was running its last lap, people started calling him ‘Robber Radolf’ - not because his family robbed the village of everything that it had, but because he aided the robbers in everything that could be robbed. But, Radolf still believed in himself. He trusted the idea that he could be the one messiah they all have been waiting for. He wanted to empower the women of his village and saw clearly that the youth needed empowerment as well. His motto was ‘to find you and empower you’.
Meanwhile, Robber Radolf Gannon was facing stiff competition against a rags-to-riches, bigger-than-life persona Nathan Sircar. The story of Nathan is no ordinary story. Nathan was born into a family which went through cycles of poverty owing to poor mismanagement of resources by the Gannons. Nathan was born poor and educated poorly; but that allowed him to learn the knack of being street-smart. He could talk his way out of anything and could convince anyone. Poor people were his friends and they saw a lion in him that could roar against the atrocities being committed. Wearing patriotism on his sleeve, Nathan went on to win hearts of the many poor. When you become popular among the downtrodden, the rich befriend you. The powerful industrialists and wannabes fueled his growth. People loved him but for a section of people who loathed him for what he did. Ends don’t justify the means, so does what Nathan did a decade ago.
A decade ago, there was an outbreak of communalo ileitis in Nathan’s area. People thronged to Nathan’s house and asked him to help the people suffering because of the disease. What Nathan did was not only astounding but also shocking. Instead of finding a cure to the disease, he was alleged to have given a free hand to decimate the alleged cause. There was no proof that the converted wild dog breed Merizund was the cause of the disease, but Nathan didn’t care. He asked his people to let out the affected, even the closely associated ones. Thus was formed another breed, Hallyzund. He made the Hallyzund find and destroy the Merizunds on the whole. It was a nightmare for the area. Every Merizund that the Hallyzund could get hold of, was killed. After 3 days of Holocaust, there came an eerie calmness to the area. No one was cured of the disease, but there was a temporary control of the outbreak. There was no strength left in anyone to fight anymore. The biggest problem with the village was that the disease communalo ileitis outbreak was well controlled by the elite few for selfish reasons, but the common man continued to suffer from it during any and all outbreak hence. The debates around Sircar’s engagement in the Holocaust raged on. The interesting part during this whole ordeal was that the Gannons were tightlipped about it and offered no support or resistance to any of the suffering souls. No one noticed the conspicuous absence of voice. Thus, Nathan came to be addressed as Murderer Nathan. The name Murderer was not because he actually murdered, but because he could have avoided, but chose not to.
In the subsequent years, Nathan grew in stature. And with an unhealthy opposition that the Gannons have received due to their swindling activities, Nathan faces them as their biggest challenge. Irrespective of anything that has happened over the years, the common man has suffered. The common man has no say in whatsoever policies that their rulers bring in and he accepts that he has no power. And, thus comes the twist in the tale of two power centers of Radolf and Nathan – the rise of common man. The common man like anybody else in the village wanted to be an engineer, went on to serve the nation as a civil servant and was fed up with the way things worked. There was rampant corruption everywhere and he questioned the status quo and of the Gannons involvement at each and every juncture. He got no answers, but he persisted with the struggle. The common man questioned Nathan’s closeness to industrialists and his association with crony capitalism, but faced a dead end. Like in movies, the common man challenged Nathan Sircar’s wave with his share of anti-corruption youth’s wave. What was a tug of war between Sircar and Gannon became a triangle of contention with the common man becoming the vertex.
The common man carried his own set of flaws. He was inexperienced and too honest to play politics. There were so much improvement to be desired in his day-to-day life that the common man’s policies didn’t echo with the majority. He was beginning to be viewed as left-leaning and anti-capitalist. Propaganda started pouring in that his will would stall development. There were too many diseases to be treated, but the common man focused on only one disease. He set out to satisfy the village, but fell well short of what he intended to. People asked him for a manifesto, but the common man has got no answer to it. With age one gains wisdom. On an individual level, everyone have their reservations, but as a group, people always side with the popular belief. Vasville people were no different. They trust PR campaigns more than the truth. With the stage set, Vasville was set to vote for
1. Robber Radolf Gannon – Empowerment
2. Murderer Nathan Sircar – Development
3. Common Man – Anti-corruption
No matter what happened in the past,
No matter what happens in the future,
One can’t help but endure,
Ab ki baar, Nathan Sircar.
Will the common man rise to rule the village, or is it going to be another drab of five years by the Robber or Murderer?

Wait, the spaceship just landed….


THEJHAS said...

A well written article and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I remembered the Animal Farm that I read during my UG, though it was significantly different in the sense- on and off on metaphors (this one).

Let me make my objective very clear at the outset, I disagree with the numerous references made in the article over the political discourse today. So this is a rebuttal to the non serious (in my opinion) piece that you have come up with here, hence in some sense I will and may appear silly (no high grounds taken).

--- Characters and references:

1) Radolf Gannon=Rahul Gandhi

A) “The family changed their internal policies outlook from socialism to capitalism to neoliberalism, but people still remained poor.”

The family did not change it, atleast in the case of neo-liberalism. It only went for several piece meal measures through 1970s and more virulently under Rajiv through 1980s towards capitalism. They were all fire-fighting until P V Narasimha Rao who finally called the shot in the context of “Globalising Capitalism” or Neo-liberalism against the ‘family’ wishes. People remained poor for governance was pathetic and throughout the world the experience has been that, social indicators follows economics, though ‘catalysing’ must be done by the state—We failed.

B) “Unaffected by communalo ileitis, the deadly disease that turns man into a wild dog and makes him hunt, at a point in history, the Gannons propagated the condition to avenge a key family member’s death. Yet, they never came out to apologize for the outbreak. Nevertheless, people being people, bestowed the family with the name ‘A perfect secular’.”

I strongly feel that you have referred to here the 1984 riots. However the view that you have taken in my opinion is simplistic (apologies). Though the ‘family’ in a sense regretted, it was Mr.Manmohan who made it tangible. Back to my ‘simplistic’ point , the secular tag was not born of this, but because of BJP- the Hindu nationalist party as the left has portrayed and propagated, rightly and wrongly. Hence this is the reference point. Anything Hindu is communal in this country, so BJP is communal not Congress. The roots lying in the numerous riots under the Congress watch and the notorious 1980-90s era (Shah Banu case, Kashmir Pandits etc where the ‘secular’ media totally avoided the discourse as it may favour the ‘right wing’, to borrow the words of Praveen Swami) BJP has the lions share in the communal quota.

C) “In his fight for basic rights, many a two have died starving. Corruption was at its highest order, yet Radolf couldn’t control it. He didn’t have a say in how the village was being ruled, even though he wanted to rule the village someday.” (Gannon context)

It makes me angry since the facts point otherwise... let me point out to three incidences... there are thousands and thousands though...
- Manmohan during the recent US visit,( in my opinion) shamelessly said that he is ready to work under (your) Gannon...such a learnt person being so very meek (Sanjaya Baru in his 13th chapter confirms it, the meekness I mean during his second tenure)
- How was MGNREGA expanded at Gannon’s whims without consideration for necessity and finances
- The dramatic ‘dust bin’ and ‘non-sense’ remark over the cabinet decision over Representation of People act amendment.

So he did not have say... Gosh

I do not know whether you will respect it or not, but this is what I know—In Bhagavat Gita Krishna says that , not only a person who commits the crime is adharmic but also the one in whose know it happens and the same does not act...the philosophy of action... he, The Gannon not only knew it but also had the authority ... cannot be pardoned...


THEJHAS said...

2) Nathan Sircar=Narendra Modi

A) “There was no proof that the converted wild dog breed Merizund was the cause of the disease, but Nathan didn’t care.”

This is wrong. Let ‘Justice’ be built on truth not on lies and worse half-truths. Killing men, women and children should not be tolerated but playing the ‘victim’ card is dangerous. We as humans are both ‘victims’ and ‘villains’ so I condemn your view here which is not based on facts.

If you don’t want to take this into account (believing SC ordered mechanism) I respect your choice but the situation being serious and sensitive put ‘official’ facts into open. If you wish to follow up on this news piece, do it else take the infamous UC Banerjee report route ‘officially’ dumped (In my opinion SIT is clear). Else there comes the disgusting ‘victim’.

B) “After 3 days of Holocaust, there came an eerie calmness to the area. No one was cured of the disease, but there was a temporary control of the outbreak.” (the photo graph is graphic :-) )

Note: Army deployment had niches due to Operation Parakaram)
Yes if you still hold the “3 day” (Feb had only 28 days in 2002) free hand (Holocaust) you may.

C) “The interesting part during this whole ordeal was that the Gannons were tightlipped about it and offered no support or resistance to any of the suffering souls. No one noticed the conspicuous absence of voice.”

From magazines like ‘Tehelha’ (NDTV and almost all mainstream media with their ‘wonderful’ ownerships and familial relations which had overlooked Journalistic Ethics) with its notorious stings bringing even the attention of courts when Army was induced into a prostitution (sorry) based arms deal... to the left leaning NGOs and a host of ‘intelligentsia’ (not Congress but politically prefer it over BJP) where is the ‘no voice’ was loud and noisy. May be in Gujarat your views are justified, since the mood of the people who face decades of riots and provocations is not up to the mark--- was not politically beneficial.

3) Common Man= Aam Aadmi’s Arvind

Good for democracy, thought he will help cleanse the system... but Delhi and India is different, same formula does not work... the power of 49 has not reached the grass roots or points of contact of governance... wish to know his views on ART 370, Uniform Civil code (you may know the spike in the inter religious marriages so Divorce , Custodianship, Polygamy etc is affected by personal laws and more worse is the patriarchal tilt in its implementation—[yes women do takes Husbands religion, and families ,the father’s culture (children names + other social occasion) ---how much ever the women is so called empowered , right , I respect choices though]Yes at times I am socially awkward)--- For Tribal alone “SEPERATE PERSONAL LAWS”, Liberalisation (regulations),Good Governance (centrally sponsored schemes and fund transfers), foreign policy etc etc...

---“ Will the common man rise to rule the village, or is it going to be another drab of five years by the Robber or Murderer?”

India atleast in its large rural heartland does not vote for abstract concepts like secularism ...but for what happens in their mindspace... a leader who captures (Your view and my view on this aspect is different) it will Govern... if he/she fails will reap the benefits... the vast hinterland people can think better than us, the Urbanites, for they may not have read it, but have lived it (which is far more better) –all the hardships of life.

So if I were to be include in your story as a person who has a ‘Modi’ tilt--- yes I am that Hindutva-wala (A toned down version of ‘Hallyzund’ for people who do not know about the context and content of Hindutva)... cheers...

Happy married life... Wish you all success...